Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Find Some Inspiration

Wondering where to find any hair, makeup or fashion ideas? There is so much out there, so much inspiration for the taking and its fun to look for it, collect images and experiment with new things. I'm currently doing that with my own make up, some success, some fails but it's always fun to try! I get my inspiration from the wonderful world of Pinterest! Check out my Goth board. I've found so many great hair and makeup ideas there, not to mention really awesome goth images that you can print out and decorate your room with.
      It's also fun to branch out into other genre's of style. I appreciate a Rockabilly style because of it's edginess and ties to 1940's/50's/country/biker/gothness. It's very fun and eclectic and yet it has its own niche in the fashion world.

                                        Cherries are big in Female Rockabilly Fashion

                                             These girls are definitely Gothabilly!

     Another style that I admire and love is Gothic Lolita and Sweet Lolita. Basically the whole Harajuku Girl style is so fun and adorable to me. It's a VERY creative and girly way to express one's self.

I've dabbled into this some and sometimes plan Lolita outfits on my birthdays. Both of these outfits are more kawaii casual/punk lolita. I can't afford to do the way cute stuff like above but I made due with what I had. Everything here was embellished, meaning added onto with iron on's and lace and I made the skull cuffs on the first outfit.

For this outfit I used the same skirt as above but I added onto it, made cupcakes and the cupcake on the shirt. Also made the purse and cupcake on the ring  and necklace (as seen on the video below) out of polymer clay. Here's a vlog I made of this particular outfit.

Finally found the other outfit....

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